Mineral Point Wisconsin

January 22, 2019

If someone were to have dropped me off in the middle of Mineral Point, Wisconsin without any clue as to where I was, my first guess might’ve been an English village. With its charming architecture and streets that come together at odd angles, I felt like I had stepped into a quaint English town. After a little research, I realized why.

In the early 1800s, immigrants from Cornwall, England arrived in southern Wisconsin, eager to mine the area for the rich deposits of lead. Their time spent here in Mineral Point is unmistakable – reflected in the many whimsical stone buildings that still stand today.

I felt like a kid in a candy shop as I snapped photo after photo of all the beautiful buildings. We braved the cold and walked up and down main street. I’m a big fan of libraries so we stopped in the Mineral Point Public Library which is now easily one of my favorite ones in Wisconsin!

While you’re there, make sure to check out Pendarvis, a popular historic site near downtown Mineral Point. Walk through the old houses, check out the Cornish pub, and hike around the 43 acre Mine Hill.

Mineral Point is by far one of the most beautiful towns in Wisconsin and I would highly recommend visiting!

1 Comment

  1. Sonya

    I lovE lIBraries, too! I Didn’t see any helpful reviews for the mineral point library – What did You like about it? My favorite library so Far in WISCONSIN is Merrill – the turquoise marble steps and chess tables With quaint lamps and puzzles won me oVer!


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